
Fasting is emptying myself of myself and filling me up to the brim with the Glorious Presence of Himself. – Caroline Naoroji

Happy New Year!

With God everyday, every moment, every second, every situation and every opportunity is new. He is the giver of new mercies, new mindset, new hearts, new years, new days and new lives. Be new in Him. – Caroline Naoroji #happynewyear

Rejoice…Pass it on!

In this “woe is me”, “not another day” kinda world, let us be the “this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it” kinda people! – Caroline Naoroji #passiton #rejoice


I know that we can’t be a perfect parent but we can definitely be a praying parent. – Caroline Naoroji

Is there any darkness?

Is there any darkness so scary where His light cannot shine through?
Is there any cry so faint that cannot reach His merciful ears?
Is there a pit so deep where His loving arms cannot reach?
Is there a pain so unbearable that His healing touch cannot remove?
Is there a void so big that His love cannot fill?
No, there is not!
He is the great I AM!
He is the All, He is everything! Take courage, take solace, fear not!

He is with you! He shall never forsake you!
-Caroline Naoroji


The safest place for a child to be is in a mother’s arms, thoughts, heart and prayers.- Caroline Naoroji

No matter what race or color…

Stack of hands showing unity and teamwork

When you feel pain for another, when you are there for your brother,

No matter what race or color,

You have arrived, my precious child!

Now, rise up and lift up the fallen, comfort the shaken and be the beacon!

– Caroline Naoroji

Praise & Prayer



In the midst of these confusing, dark, troublesome times continue praying and singing songs and hymns to God. Your praise is your weapon and prayer is your key. Watch the chains fall down and the doors swing open that has held you captive in your heart, in your spirit and your life. – Caroline Naoroji

The tomb is empty


We have hope because the tomb is empty
We have peace because the tomb is empty
We have joy because the tomb is empty
We have mercy because the tomb is empty
We have grace because the tomb is empty
We have forgiveness because the tomb is empty
We have eternal life because the tomb is empty
Hallelujah! He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
  – Caroline Naoroji